Visual Arts and Health - Visual thinking strategies in medicine


Institutional Communication Service

Date: 7 October 2024 / 18:00 - 19:45

Aula polivalente del Campus Est

Vincenza Ferrara will present the "visual thinking strategy" technique, which, when applied to doctors and medical students, can improve their diagnostic and team-building skills.

This teaching method stimulates group discussions on works of art, encouraging viewers to observe more closely, understand more deeply, and analyse the content of the work. The result is an increase in cognitive skills, analytical abilities, and critical thinking when observing visual stimuli. Fabrizio Consorti will discuss the educational potential of this technique for medical students, and the discussion will be moderated by Enzo Grossi.


Speaker: Vincenza Ferrara, Sapienza University of Rome; VTSItalia Association (IT)

Discussion with: Fabrizio Consorti, Gruppo Qualità e Innovazione della Didattica (QuID), Sapienza University of Rome; Past-president SIPeM (IT)


Vincenza Ferrara
Art Historian, former Director of the Art and Medical Humanities Laboratory - Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine, Highly Qualified Expert - Adjunct Professor Special Pedagogy Master's Degree Course in Nursing Sciences 'A' - Sapienza University of Rome. An expert in cultural heritage and learning, she has been conducting research since 2014 in the field of training in the Medical and Health Area, in schools and for the promotion of inclusion and well-being using art.

Fabrizio Consorti
Physician, general surgeon, and researcher at Sapienza University of Rome. Teaching clinical methodology and surgery in the degree courses of Medicine and Nursing. Head of Erasmus exchanges. President of the Italian Society of Medical Pedagogy (SIPeM) until 2018. As a nationally recognised expert, he has led and still leads Faculty Development events for La Sapienza and many Italian degree courses.

Find the full course programme here